If you believe using a fake visa is simple, think again. There are things you must do before using a dummy credit card, and we will learn about the most essential things to do before using a dummy visa in this post.
But you should know that this topic is a continuation of the series of creating a fake visa via the BIN code, so I think that you should review the previous topics before completing this topic. Here is the list of topics you should review:
- What is the BIN code, the bank identification number?
- How to create your own BIN code
- Generate Fake Credit Card Number Via BIN Free
- Explanation of the fake visa online examination site
how to use fake visa

Now, supposing you’ve gone through the previous sections and still don’t understand how to generate BIN codes or how to generate and examine visas, you’ve arrived at the most crucial point, which is the usage of a phony visa. What are these cards good for if you can’t use them to create a Netflix account or charge games?
Through my experience in the world of a fake visa, I learned that obtaining a fake visa is something easier than drinking water, and sometimes you do not need any tool to obtain a fake visa, for example, you can use the fake visa generator to generate cards and I think that you will not be able to use it because most people They think it is very easy since they have fake visa numbers.
Requirements to use a fake visa!!
Maybe I’ll overlook anything basic, but I’ll attempt to provide the most critical information that you’ll need to utilize the fake visa card. Some of the items I’m referring to may be charged, but you can find them for free everywhere.
1- Knowing the country of the fake card
A very important thing is that you need to know the country to which the card belongs, and we have talked about this issue in creating a BIN code, in general, you can enter the binlist website and put the card numbers and it will give you the country that issues this card.

You may find most of the cards that you generate through the fake visa generator on our site from the United States of America, and this is a good thing and you will know why. As for the type of card, I said previously that you should review the previous topics because I spoke in detail on these things and it is very necessary to know them.
2- Use a VPN or proxy
Now let’s say you want to create a Netflix account through a fake visa, it is necessary to change the IP to the country to which the fake card belongs, and during my experience in the world of the fake visa, I found that the best program to change IP is ExpressVPN because it supports many countries and most of the IPs offered by non It is in the blacklist and you can find out about this via the dnsbl website.

3- Using fake data
Since we are using the fake visa, it is very necessary, but this is a very important thing, which is the data that you will use on the site or the game on which you will use the fake visa, and I do not think that there is a better site than a fake name generator.

The site does not support all countries of the world, because it is difficult to add all countries for this. If you get a fake visa from a country that is not on the site, you can use Google Maps to get the address of any country you want. As for the name, you can use the data provided by the fake name generator.
4- Using a Gmail account
It is critical that you use the Gmail account as your primary email address on the site where you intend to use the phony Visa, and I do not advocate using the temporary email since the account will be deleted instantly because there is no trust in the temporary email for all huge sites.

But never use your primary Gmail account, I know that it is difficult to create a new Gmail account because it asks you to verify the phone number and it is difficult to create many accounts with phone numbers.’ But here you can use the various ways to create a Gmail account without a phone number.
5- Clean your browser data
A very important stage, before you do anything, even before changing the IP, you must clear the remnants of the browser you are using, and you can do this manually or you can use the CCleaner program, and the free version is sufficient. And you can download CCleaner on Android.

You must clear all the data stored on the browser, including cookies, the sites you visited … etc. It does not matter what browser you use, but I advise you to use Firefox because it is one of the fastest browsers and easy to use and deleting data on it is very easy.
6- Now you can use the fake visa
If you have completed all of the preceding steps, it is clear that you are ready to use the fake visa. It makes no difference whether you want to use it to charge a game or purchase a paid program or application; the important thing is that you understand that these steps are required when using any fake card.