Prepaid gift cards are the only ones sold as gifts by e-commerce companies and e-stores, and they’re great because you may use the balance on almost anything, even your PayPal account.
It may be a good idea to add a gift card balance to your PayPal account if you use PayPal often.
Credit card-type gift cards are versatile and simple to use but not foolproof or hassle-free. There are some places, much like eBay, that prefer paying through PayPal. Although you may be able to convince some PayPal sellers to use a gift card credit number instead of making a PayPal transfer, it’s not guaranteed. Transfer your Gift Card funds to your PayPal account and you will be able to use your Gift Card funds to make payment on PayPal.
What is a paypal card?

PayPal, which is the number one company concerning financial transactions on the Internet, it is possible to use the PayPal account to make purchases from the Internet in the largest global sites. But what do you know about the PayPal card? You may not know that PayPal offers prepaid MasterCard cards, as well as debit cards? What is a Visa Card (Visa Cad Debit).
These cards can be used just like any other MasterCard card, but the most essential stage of all of this is still figuring out how to get this Paypal card and whether or not there is a free way to get it. Let’s see whether there is a way to get a prepaid Paypal card without paying anything.
How to add a gift card to PayPal

- Go to your PayPal wallet on your desktop computer.
You’ll need a PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus account to transfer money from a bank to your PayPal account, but anyone can add a prepaid gift card as a method of payment, whether or not you’ve chosen one of the Cash services. - Click Link Debit or Credit Card.
- Click Link a Card Manually if you are given the option to link manually or via a bank.
- Enter the gift card information.
Common problems when adding a PayPal card
Sometimes, you may encounter an error trying to add a gift card to your PayPal account as a payment method because gift cards lack personal identifiers, unlike traditionally issued credit cards.
If you encounter this kind of problem, register your gift card – there should be instructions on the card that will direct you to a website to sign up.
Additionally, there are also ways to redeem unpaid credit card gift cards in your PayPal account, but the transaction cost is significant – usually at least 10% of the gift card value.
Where to get a PayPal card

The only place where the Paypal card is widely spread is the electronic stores of all kinds, whether international.
It is also available in major malls and specialized real stores.
PayPal gift cards are also available and varied to include a variety of cards with different balances,
starting from $5 up to $100.